Artificial Intelligence and Law

Deepfakes on the Internet – Beware the fake ones!

We get credible false news and see doctored photos and videos. But what is fake and what is real? How to spot deepfakes and protect yourself from them is the subject of this article.

UN resolution on AI: humanity and dignity must come paramount

The global community is seeking consensus on safe and trustworthy AI. Learn how to achieve this in accordance with international law, human rights, and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Artificial Intelligence: Fit for Sustainability?

Our society wants to be more sustainable. But it has also decided to use and expand AI technology. Do the two go together? This article offers some clues.

Artificial intelligence: too hungry and too thirsty

Without AI, our daily lives would barely function. But have we ever thought about the CO2 and water footprint of AI? That’s why we should use AI more consciously.

AI technologies: Working for sustainability

AI is a powerful tool that can be used to intelligently analyze data and automate complex processes. Find out if and how AI can contribute to sustainability.

Copyright: Are ChatGPT texts protected?

The tremendous success of ChatGPT continues to present copyright law with limitations and new challenges. Here you can find out if AI texts are subject to copyright law.

Artificial intelligence – a legal entity?

AI is a computer program. Read here whether it is absurd to give AI its own personality. We also discuss whether AI can have intellectual property rights.

Myths about AI in the media

When asked what we think of AI, we tend to think of a humanoid robot. Find out how much the media shapes our perceptions.

First AI law: finally some clarity

The European Parliament has decided to adopt the proposal for an AI law. This should make AI systems used in the EU safe, transparent and environmentally friendly. The facts.

EU Commission: Brussels on taming AI

In 2021, the EU Commission presented a proposal for an AI law to define the technical and ethical requirements for AI systems. You should know this.

Deepfakes on the Internet – Beware the fake ones!

Counterfeiting is commonplace on the Internet. Thanks to the use of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, fakes are becoming cheaper, more believable, and easier for anyone to create and distribute electronically. But now there is a whole new dimension:...

Artificial Intelligence: Fit for Sustainability?

In the rapidly evolving world of technology, the sustainability of artificial intelligence (AI) systems is an important issue. These systems promise to revolutionize everything from energy management to medical diagnosis. But while we reap the benefits of this...

Artificial intelligence: too hungry and too thirsty

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of our daily lives. But the smart companions of everyday life come at a cost to the environment: An increasing number of AI models are being trained and deployed on energy-intensive servers in large data...

AI technologies: Working for sustainability

The rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) has captivated the world, generating both excitement and concern, and raising important questions about its potential impact on the global economy. The impact of AI on economies is complex and difficult to predict....

Copyright: Are ChatGPT texts protected?

ChatGPT is a chatbot based on artificial intelligence. For example, it is multi-lingual and can understand text input in natural language. It can also answer questions on all kinds of topics and create or translate texts. Its capabilities, wide range of applications...

Artificial intelligence – a legal entity?

Anyone who wants to talk or write about artificial intelligence (AI) faces a daunting task: defining what it is and what it is not. The vagueness of the term has become so absurd that AI is used for everything from a robot that assembles pizzas to science fiction...

Myths about AI in the media

Hardly a day goes by without an article being published about the opportunities or risks of artificial intelligence (AI). AI is here to stay and its impact on our lives is growing. But if you ask us how we imagine AI, we usually think of a humanoid robot: human-like,...

First AI law: finally some clarity

In June, the European Parliament voted almost unanimously in favor of the proposed AI law with some amendments. In particular, it wants to ensure that AI systems used in the EU are safe, transparent, accountable, non-discriminatory and environmentally friendly. Last...

EU Commission: Brussels on taming AI

In 2019, companies in Germany already generated sales of almost 60 billion euros with artificial intelligence (AI) products or services. Globally, revenue from business applications of  AI is expected to increase more than sixfold between 2020 and 2025. Lawyers,...

New computer application: AI celebrates a triumph

Artificial intelligence, or AI for short, has become very popular in recent years. There is debate about the potential of AI, but also about the loss of jobs, the disruption of entire industries and the threat to the security of personal data. AI is nothing new...

Proposal for the European AI ACT

Summary of the proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down harmonized rules on artificial intelligence and amending certain Union acts EUR-Lex - 52021PC0206 - DE - EUR-Lex ( EUROPÄISCHE KOMMISSION Brussels, 21.4.2021...

The European Union

Die EU & Ich | WIE FUNKTIONIERT DIE EU? ( Grundsätze, Länder, Geschichte | Europäische Union ( Principles and Values Aims and objectives The objectives of the European Union within its borders are to to promote peace, European values and the...

The ordinary legislative procedure

European  Commission proposal The European Commission submits a legislative proposal to the European Parliament First reading in Parliament During the first reading, the European Parliament examines the Commission's proposal and may approve...

Cloud Computing – Computer services on the Internet

BSI - Kriterienkatalog für KI-Cloud-Dienste – AIC4 - Kriterienkatalog für KI-Cloud-Dienste – AIC4 ( and AI Cloud Service Compliance Criteria Catalogue ( The AI Cloud Service Compliance Criteria Catalogue (AIC4) is the world's first concrete criteria...


About ( OpenAI is a non-profit organization dedicated to the research and application of artificial intelligence. Its goal is to develop safe and universal artificial intelligence (AI) that benefits all people. To accomplish this, the original non-profit...

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