The Heritage Foundation

von | 8 Jan 2024

The influential political research institute, whose mission is „Leadership for America“, says it advocates „conservative policies based on a free market economy, minimal government, individual liberty, traditional American values and a strong national defense“.

The Foundation played a leading role in the conservative movement during Ronald Reagan’s administration. It is considered one of the most influential research organizations in the United States and the most influential think tank in the world.

The Heritage Foundation’s mission is to formulate and promote public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual liberty, traditional American values, and a strong national defense. The organization has actively advocated privatization, deregulation, welfare cuts, and preemptive military strikes, and played a key role in the political buildup to the Iraq War.

Under the Trump administration, Heritage is recruiting new members with the appeal:

„Help us drain the swamp – Donald Trump and many Republican Congressmen have promised to drain the swamp. And Heritage is here to help them make that happen! … Repeal Obamacare and secure our borders.“

The New York Times considers the Heritage Foundation the most influential organization when it comes to selecting high-level government officials for President Donald Trump.

More than 500,000 members support the Heritage Foundation.

The Heritage Foundation has created Heritage Action for America. Heritage Action works with lawmakers to implement The Heritage Foundation’s ideas, while organizing nearly 20,000 Sentinel activists and more than 2 million local grassroots activists across the country to advocate for the adoption of these solutions. Heritage Action works to ensure that citizens make their voices heard, and that their elected officials hear them.

To the German translation of this aricle: Die Heritage Foundation

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