The ordinary legislative procedure

von | 12 Jan 2024


Commission proposal

The European Commission submits a legislative proposal to the European Parliament

First reading in Parliament

During the first reading, the European Parliament examines the Commission’s proposal and may approve it without modifications or amend it.

First reading in Council

During its first reading, the Council may decide to accept Parliament’s position, in which case the legislative act is adopted, or it may amend Parliament’s position and return the proposal to Parliament for a second reading.

                        Adopted :        The legislative proposal is adopted.

The vast majority of proposals are adopted at this stage

Second reading in Parliament

Parliament examines the Council’s position and approves it, in which case the act is approved; or rejects it, in which case the act will not enter into force and the whole procedure is ended; or proposes amendments and returns the proposal to Council for a second reading.

                        Adopted:         The legislative proposal is adopted.  

Not adopted :  The legislative proposal is not adopted

Second reading in Council

The Council examines Parliament’s second reading position and either approves all of Parliament’s amendments, meaning the act is adopted, or does not approve all amendments, leading to the convening of the Conciliation Committee.

                        Adopted :        The legislative proposal is adopted.

                        Not adopted : The legislative proposal is not adopted


The Conciliation Committee, composed of an equal number of MEPs and Council representatives, tries to reach agreement on a joint text. If unsuccessful, the legislative act will not enter into force and the procedure is ended. If a joint text is agreed, it is forwarded to the European Parliament and Council for a third reading.

                        Not adopted :  The legislative proposal is not adopted

Third reading in the European Parliament and Council


in Parliament

The European Parliament examines the joint text and votes in plenary. It cannot change the wording of the joint text. If it rejects it or fails to act on it, the act is not adopted and the procedure is ended. If it is approved by Parliament and Council, the act is adopted.


in Council

Council examines the joint text. It cannot change the wording. If it either rejects or does not act on it, the act will not enter into force and the procedure is ended. If it approves the text and the Parliament also approves it, the act is adopted

                        Not adopted : The legislative proposal is not adopted

Proposal adopted

The European Parliament examines the joint text and votes in plenary. It cannot change the wording of the joint text. If it rejects it or fails to act on it, the act is not adopted and the procedure is ended. If it is approved by Parliament and Council, the act is adopted.

Regulations are directly binding throughout the EU as of the date set down in the Official Journal.

Directives lay down end results to be achieved in every member state, but leaves it up to national governments to decide how to adapt their laws to achieve these goals. Each directive specifies the date by which the national laws must be adapted.

Decisions apply in specific cases, involving particular authorities or individuals and are fully binding.

Proposal not adopted

If a legislative proposal is rejected at any stage of the procedure, or the Parliament and the Council cannot reach a compromise, the proposal is not adopted and the procedure is ended. A new procedure can start only with a new proposal from the Commission.

To the German translation of this article: Das ordentliche Gesetzgebungsverfahren

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